In the Realm of the Elm King is a new HackMaster Basic adventure featuring a variety of challenges designed for four to six 1st to 2nd level player characters (with options for higher level PCs included).
As well as detailed NPCs, monsters, maps and a battlemat, this adventure also includes a variety of hooks to draw PCs in from the village of Vew (White Palette, Ivory Horns), the mountain stronghold of Frandor's Keep or any other desired location. This allows the GameMaster to use In the Realm of the Elm King by itself or as part of an ongoing campaign.
Like all Kenzer and Company products, In the Realm of the Elm King was designed with you in mind. We prepare all the details so you can spend less time flipping pages and more time gaming. Gaming has never been so easy or so much fun!
In the Realm of the Elm King is a 23 page full color adventure that is available in PDF for $4.99. If you are interested head over get your copy here! I haven't had a chance to read through my copy, but hopefully later tonight or tomorrow I can post a review of the adventure.
Sounds great I'll have to check it out!
Why is this only available in PDF? Why can't I order a normal paper copy of it??? I'm not crazy about PDF products.
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