I was poking around the other day and came across this post on a site called From the Sorcerer's Skull, which was new to me. It had two cool maps, on of Tombstone and one of Deadwood. The Tombstone map is from a book and very accurately depicts the town at the time, but the Deadwood map was more of thing of art. It is a very beautiful black and white illustration that sparks the imagination.
I was at school with some time to kill so I started messing around with the map, giving it some color and a parchmenty feel. Once I was finished I couldn't help but think that this map would be great for my upcoming Aces & Eights campaign.

A big thanks to Trey over at From the Sorcerer's Skull for sharing!
Aces & Eights must be on everyone's mind. I'm starting to work my way through the material again with the hopes of running something soon.
Hey Dude,
Thanks for post. I love this old map. I was there when I was a kid and it is so much different now from the pictures I have seen. If you pu the modern Y shape layout of Deadwood against this map you can see it all fall into place.
A real find!!!
The Deadwood map is from the HBO show, it's not a real Deadwood map. It's HBO property, my guy
You can tell since it literally has the names of the characters in it - Doc Cochran, Alma, those aren't real people. It's also modeled after the ranch in California it was filmed in
I love how creative this map is and think its potential uses are endless.
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