Further there is a possability that Daenarys is also being recast. In addition to the fact that I thought Tamzin would be fine in the role this is going to result in even more reshooting. One might wonder if they plan on reshooting the entire pilot. If that is the case hopefully the original will appear on the eventual DVD set. I for one would be interested to see the difference.
On a seperate but related topic several members of my gaming group and I got together to play the A Game of Thrones board game

Once we moved into the middle turns things really stated to heat up. House Baratheon (ManOnFunTrip) and House Tyrell (His Wife) were engaged in some very heated battles in the far south. This caused Barathon to move his troops out of Dragonstone to reinforce his war efforts. This proved to be a very caustically mistake as NSAA (The Northern Strategic Alliance of Awesomeness i.e Greyjoy & Stark) pounced like a hungry Tiger. While Greyjoy expanded into the center of the map and the Vale of Arryn House Stark delivered the devistating blow by moving his entire navy from White Harbor to push back the Baratheon fleet and take Dragonston. From there it was all down hill for Baratheon and his allie House Lanister. NSAA kept pushing south while House Tyrell pushed north. Both houses were all but eliminated from the game when the final turn ended. As it turned out I had actually won the game on round 8, as the main victory condition was control of 7 cities and/or Castles, but we didn't know that and continued all the way through round 10.
The game is a lot of fun and I highly recommend it. Unsurprisingly the game seems more fun to those who had read the books, but more people at the table hadn't read them than had and everyone had a blast. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys strategy board games. The game has two expansions; A Storm of Swords
1 comment:
hehehe. I screwed you over good! Even got the misses to take sides against you.
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