We've never linked to Joe the Lawyer's Wondrous Imaginings here at the Labyrinth which is something of a crying shame. Joe's site is great and we are from the same area so this is long overdue. In this link Joe takes a look at the most recent Hasbro Earning reports and speculates on what they might mean for the future of Dungeons and Dragons.
Big Ball of No Fun is a site that is pretty new to me. There are so many great gaming sites out there that sometimes you stumble across one that you are amazed you've never seen before. Here BBoNF takes a look at naming conventions and gives a number of great links to help the GM keep some consistency with his naming.
Hackmastery is doing a series of articles that take a close look at the mechanics of Hackmaster basic such as Quirks and the Honor System. Definitely worth checking out.
Thx for the shoutout man. Where are you? In CT?
No problem. Yeah I'm from CT. I play in Middletown
Check it out...
Awesome! I've joined up.
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