Thursday, April 21, 2011

Fun With Hexes

Normally we only do maps on Mondays, but today I was messing around with a map of mine and ended up with something I thought was worth sharing.  I started by just messing around with the colors of the map, adding a lot of saturation to the land mass, taking some away from the water, removing a lot of the land elements like castles, mountains, hills etc, and finally adding hexes.  Hexes are great for tracking overland movement so I think I may get some very practical use out of this map.  When I was done I actually added a second layer of hexes over it to group the smaller hexes together.  This second layer of hexes should help when calculating long distances and determining large scale effects like weather and trade.

For those who haven't seen it here is the normal version of the map.

1 comment:

Lazarus Lupin said...

a great map. I wonder can you make the larger hexes a slightly different color?

Lazarus Lupin
art and review