I've played with the same group for about eight years now. We have had many people come and go for various reasons over the years, but the core four members of the group have remain unchanged. Recently we lost two members in quick succession and found ourselves down to just the aforementioned four players. While it is certainly possible to play with four, and we have done it many times, it was the general preference that we add a few more members to fill out the table.

As it turns out, pretty hard.
Now there are various ways to find new members, many of which I'm sure we weren't aware of., but of the ones we did know the three that seemed the most promising to us were message boards, Obsidian portal, and Pen & Paper Games.
Message boards for specific games have worked really well for people I know. I once knew a guy who would hit the D&D boards and within a week would have a whole new group. That man had a talent for finding people that it quickly became clear that I, and the other members of my group, lack. The problem is that my group no longer plays just D&D anymore. When 4e came out it became clear that the game was not for us and so we started looking elsewhere. In the time since 4e came out we have played Hackmaster 4th Edition, Hackmaster Basic, Hackmaster Advanced, Aces & Eights, Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, 1st Edition D&D, 2nd Edition D&D, and D&D 3.5. So though it was cool that the release of 4e caused us to branch out and leave our comfort zone a little bit, it no longer made it possible to hit the D&D boards looking for players. Similarly, Paizo has prolific message boards, but by and large those players are Pathfinder players who might not be interested in switching systems should the need arise. So in the end we didn't have much luck with message boards and decided to forgo others like ENWorld, RPGNet, and others.

It was at Pen & Paper Games that we made our last ditch effort to find some new blood. We threw a wide net over the area, opting for a "spray and pray" philosophy. Rather than working our way down a long list of people one at a time, we just emailed everyone we thought might be a good fit. So just how many was that?
Thirty two.
That's right, thirty two people got messages from us offering them a seat at our table. This was not just a quick "hey you don't know us but join our game" email. No, this was thorough. We talked about our group, how many members, what ages, our play styles, what games we play, what times, how long we had been together, what we were looking for, what we would be playing, and a host of other things. We added a "no pressure clause" by stating that it was just a trial to see if the person was a good fit for the group and the group a good fit for the person. When we finished writing the email (a group effort) I was sure that we had emailed too many people and would be bombarded with responses. This was a little worrying because the table we play at is only so big. Turns our I shouldn't have worried. Go ahead and guess how many responses we got.

If you guessed one and a half, you are correct.
What do I mean by that? Well we got one ligit response by a guy who was interested, and one quick email from a guy who said he might play if we change the day we play on. To say we were disheartened would be an understatement.
Now I should mention that all of the people who we emailed were not held in equal regard. We rated each person on a 1-10 basis and only emailed the top 32 people. So naturally where was our one response from?
If you guessed the very bottom of the list, you are correct.
Needless to say it was more than a little disheartening, but we emailed the guy (Doodle, by handle). Doodle seemed nice enough via email and was very prompt in his responses so we invited him to come down for the start of our Call of Cthulhu game and roll up a character with us. When he showed up we were all pleasantly surprised, he was friendly and very normal. Hey, don't look at me like that... it's the internet you never know what you're gonna get. Doodle had played CoC before so he was a help with some of the rules and his sense of humor really seemed to mesh with the rest of the group, something of underrated importance in my opinion.
As I write this we are two weeks into our CoC and things are going great. Everyone is very happy with Doodle and he seems reasonably happy with the group. Still when I think of the process we went through to find and recruit him I have to ask myself, why the hell is it so hard to find new players?
If you have a story of your own trials and tribulations of finding new group members please, let's hear it! If you have any advice on finding new members, please share that too!
Over the past year, I've been through a very similar series of challenges. Our group went from 7 players total to 5.
Obsidian Portal netted me two queries, neither one of whom ever contacted us again.
I used a couple of other "player finder" web sites, and ended up with one positive response, only when the time came, she never bothered to show up or tell us she wasn't going to show up.
I've had an advertisement in the local game shop, and it has received three responses, but nothing that went anywhere.
In past, I have always relied on getting players from people who knew my current players. Unfortunately, that well seems to have dried up. Not sure why it has gotten so hard to find new players these days...
I've had very good success with meetup.com. There was already a flourishing game meetup in my area (all 4E), and since I announced my 1E game, there has been a waiting list for almost every session. (I cap my players at 6, plus myself).
Meetup.com was a resource I wasn't aware of. It sounds like it works great, so looks like we may be trying that in the future.
Revil sent me a link to a site called Find'N'Play... Anyone use that? If so, how well did it work?
I could be wrong, but I think Find'N'Play is brand new. And it seems like it uses the Facebook software, so it'll be interesting to see how successful it is.
When I first saw the post title, I was surprised. My problem has been having too MANY players who want me to run games for them! I think the difference is that I'm playing D&D4e, so there are just more players around. If I were looking for players for a more niche game, I'm sure it would be harder to find them, so I sympathize with you.
@onlinedm - I agree 100%. If we were just playing one of the "currant" games (4e or Pathfinder) consistently then I think it would be much easier to find people. Oh well, maybe our luck will change for the better in the future.
I found my latest group of gamers while dancing at an irish pub. They're an even more fun group than the folks I found at a renfaire (faire folk are nearly all gamers). Crazy how that works out, huh?
Seems like it never rains but it pours - when I have no players, I can't find any, but as soon as I have enough I'm meeting new gamers every which way I turn.
If you are still looking for a gamer I am looking for a new game. I played with you guys in the Hackmaster game (and all flesh must be eaten) at Fal-con this past October. You might be a bit far away, but depending on day/time and location of play I hope I could work something out.
I'm also playing a CoC game now, but I'm not sure how much longer that will last. Anyway, drop me an e-mail at evil.ben1 at gmail if you are still looking for gamers.
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