I wrote previously about the really cool NPC cards that the Professor is using in our current Call of Cthulhu game set at Miskatonic University. I've also previously mentioned that we were looking for new players for our table and were having some trouble.
Well the trouble is finally over. We once again have a full table with six PCs, but our two players (Let's Call them Eberis and Elbereth) are pretty new to table top roleplaying. Elbris has played a little in the past but nothing recent, and Elbereth has never played at all. All she knows of gaming is what she saw on the recent (and awesome) AD&D episode of Community.
For someone new to roleplaying to come into a a game in the middle of a campaign can be a very intimidating experience even if you know what you are an experienced Gamer, but for someone new it can be totally overwhelming. You have the rules to learn, the setting to get familiar with, the plot to date to review, the NPCs to get to know, oh and the other PCs as well.
To help with that last bit I created mock Miskatonic Student IDs for each of our characters. The IDs (Seen above) have a picture of each character (I took a page out of the Professor's book and used old yearbook photos from the 20s and 30s) as well as some important information about each on them, most of which would never be seen on an actual student ID, but that worked well for reference purposes.
I printed them on card stock so they feel like real IDs minus the lamination. They came out great and worked out well, helping the new guys keep everyone straight. Everyone's favorite ID was the one of Bear's character, Lagos.
I think it's my favorite too.
Those are very good. I would like something like that to use in my game. Do you have a template that you use that maybe you could share?
I could post a PNG file which would only require adding a character photo and the character specific info.
Would that be helpful?
Yeah that would be good.
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