Friday, June 25, 2010

Potentially Great News Concerning The Hobbit

I wasn't one of the few people who cheered when Guillermo del Toro signed up to direct the Hobbit. I was among those who cheered a few weeks ago when he dropped out of the film though.  To me this opened the door for the best choice to direct the films (Peter Jackson) to step up to the plate.  According to reports that is exactly what is under way.  Nothing is official yet, Jackson is only in talks to direct the film, but if I'm the studio I get this deal done.  Jackson LoTR films were among the great films ever made in terms of quality and in terms of Box Office Success. 

I'm keeping my fingers crossed! 

1 comment:

Carl said...

And why were you? (not cheering for Del Toro and cheered when he left)

Can you elaborate more on that, cause you're not giving any reason, just dropping a thought like you're just spitting on the floor.